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Please Look to Contribute

by Haddenham Webteam – 18th January 2024
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Haddenham is growing rapidly as a settlement and we welcome all the new residents as part of our village community.

This article is an open plea to all Haddenham residents, but particularly to those who have arrived in the last few years.

The village is blessed with many wonderful organisations, offering social, sporting and support activities that help to make Haddenham a great place in which to live.

Almost without exception, these organisations are run by volunteers who contribute their time and talents to make the groups function for the good of their members and the wider community.

Some significant examples include:

The Fish Scheme
Carrie, the Community Vehicle
Haddenham Village Society
Haddenham Horticultural Society
Haddenham Screen
Zero Carbon Haddenham
Fundraising Groups:
* Cancer Research UK
* Hat & Boots
* Royal British Legion
* FN Hospice Shop
* FN Hospice Charity Support Group
* Christian Aid
Small World Baby Group
Pitter Patter
Lighthouse Playscheme
Haddenham Beer Festivals Trust
Haddenham Youth FC
Haddenham Cricket Club
Church Bell Ringers
The Community Orchard
Snakemoor Nature Reserve
The Village Fete
Haddenham Youth Theatre
Scouts & Guides
Haddenham & District Rotary
Library Volunteers
The Patient Participation Group
Haddenham Museum Trust
The three schools' PTAs
Plus many more ...

Even the parish councillors are a group of volunteers.

Many of us lead extremely busy lives and this can be particularly true for young families when, more often than not these days, both partners are in full-time employment.

So it is unsurprising that a number of the organisations listed rely heavily on a mature group of volunteers. However, "we ain't getting any younger!"

It's also quite noticeable that the same familiar (and beautifully wrinkly!) faces tend to be involved across several village organisations, keen to do their bit in every way they can. Several local activities and events simply would not happen were it not for this wonderful 'happy-to-help' older group of volunteers.

So it's vital that the clubs and societies are able to attract additional support from younger folk, so that the valued activities of Haddenham's various clubs and societies can continue.

One recent example was the Haddenham and Witchert WI which, very sadly, closed after 40 years when the group was unable to identify a new President to succeed the retiring leader.

Let's not allow this happen to other long-standing village organisations.

So the plea is: please consider contributing a little of your time to one of the village organisations. Their current volunteer organisers will welcome you with open arms.

If you can't find a link to an organisation listed above, or need help in identifying a group that is not listed, please email the editor of this website, and he will be delighted to help put you in touch.

Email: haddenham.net@hotmail.com

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