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Re-designing Haddenham's Roads

by Haddenham Webteam – 3rd May 2022
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Did you miss the recent Streetscapes presentation in the village hall?

There's still an opportunity to contribute your thoughts and ideas about how different road designs, speed limiting mechanisms and other street features can be adopted to improve the safety of road users and pedestrians.

An online feedback platform has been set up by the parish Council to gather information and views to feed into the project.

So what, specifically, is the Streetscapes project?

The Streetscapes project is a village-wide review of options to create a better balance of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles within Haddenham.

The study builds on the work undertaken as part of the Haddenham Neighbourhood Plan and seeks to address the following issues affecting the village:

  • Creating a less vehicle-dominated environment
  • Managing current traffic issues and the likely impact of future growth
  • Vehicle speeding
  • Prioritising walking & cycling
  • Parking problems

Adding your pennyworth ...

The feedback process should only take about 5 minutes to complete and the means of doing so can be found here

Please view the initial design ideas first before offering your comments, or you won't be able to answer all of the questions.

The opportunity to give feedback closes on 26th May 2022.

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