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Townside Roadworks

by Haddenham Webteam – 25th October 2016
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Transport for Bucks has announced that they will be carrying out work in Townside beginning next Monday, 31st October.

The section of road between Potash Close and Station Road will be affected and this will require restricted traffic movements and possible traffic light controls at times.

The work will take up to 10 working days to complete. TfB has requested that vehicle parking in Townside should be kept to a minimum, please, in order to facilitate efficient working by contractors.

The reason for the excavation is that the surface water drain has become completely blocked, probably along the whole length between Potash Close and Station Road. There is a risk of serious damage to the witchert cottages near the bottom of Townside from the gushing torrent in the road whenever there is heavy rain.

For further information about the work, as well as any potential changes to the schedule, you can contact TfB by telephone on: 0845 230 2882 or 01296 382416 Or by Email at: tfb@buckscc.gov.uk

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