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Future Village Growth?

by Haddenham Webteam – 27th June 2016
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planning permission 02

If you live in Haddenham, you will be aware that the village is a potential location for substantial new housing as part of the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP).

If you have yet to engage in this, please do so. The VALP is proposing 5,500 new homes for Haddenham: 1,050 arising from being seen as a 'strategic settlement' (see page 73 of VALP) and a further 4,500 homes if Haddenham is designated as a 'New Settlement' (see page 65). Thus, if the VALP is implemented, the size of Haddenham will considerably more than double in the next few years.

The challenge that residents face is getting to see and understand the draft VALP, so that as individuals we can formally register our comments. It does not help, for example, that AVDC is not making paper copies available! The district council expects people to read it online – all 221 pages plus attachments!

The draft VALP is surely the single most important local government document impacting Haddenham for many years, so it is regrettable that paper copies are not being made available. Residents will doubtless reach their own conclusions about this decision.

Viewing the draft VALP
Haddenham Community Library will be dedicating a personal computer, located close to the reception desk, for those who wish to look at the draft VALP but have no online facilities at home.

There will also be a public display of the VALP in the Walter Rose Room of the village hall on
Monday 11th July
(i.e., for one day only, from 11.00am until 8.00pm).

What does the Parish Council Think?
A special edition of Village News is currently being prepared by Haddenham Parish Council, and it is hoped that this will be distributed to all Haddenham residents sometime next week. You can also ready the Parish Council's response ahead of the paper newsletter here.

Public Meeting
The parish council, in collaboration with Haddenham Village Society, will be holding a public meeting in the village hall to discuss the implications of the draft VALP on Thursday 28th July, beginning at 7.30pm. It is hoped that this meeting will put the VALP into context, and help residents to understand the criteria on which they would need to base any comments that they submit to AVDC. (NB: there are specific planning criteria on which comments of support or objection can be based – any other "personal opinions" will simply be ignored).

The parish council is very keen to involve local residents and to encourage as many individuals as possible to write to AVDC with their comments. HPC is also very conscious that many families with school age children will be away from the village on 28th July, given that the summer term ends on 21st July. Unfortunately, despite best efforts, this was the earliest date that a public meeting could be arranged, due to:

  • the availability of a suitably large venue
  • the availability of Haddenham's three district councillors
  • the availability of key members of HPC and the Village Society.

The consultation period for the draft VALP, and hence the schedule for submitting comments, is very tight – it concludes on 5th September. We are confident that AVDC has not deliberately chosen the height of the holiday period to push the VALP out for public consultation – surely no government body would be that cynical, would it?!

Residents who will not be able to attend the public meeting on Thursday 28th July are encouraged to keep an eye on Haddenham.net – we will do all we possibly can to keep you well informed of the key issues and to steer you on the basis on which you might choose to register your comments with AVDC.

To visit the AVDC planning website, see here

To read the draft VALP online, click here

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