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How Does Haddenham Rate?

by Haddenham Webteam – 10th April 2017
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How proud are you of Haddenham?

How does it compare with other villages in which you've lived or have visited regularly?

The production company Reef Televison is planning a new programme for Channel 4: "Village of the Year 2017".

In the Summer, Penelope Keith and her team of judges will be visiting villages across the UK to determine a winner, with a £10,000 prize up for grabs.

Judging Criteria?

The scope of the programme will be wider than a traditional 'best kept village' competition and its makers are interested in villages "that have soul as well as beauty".

Additional information will be given to shortlisted villages about what the judges will be looking for. However the programme producers will be paying particular attention to what makes a village special in the following categories:

Appearance – how is the look of the village celebrated and enhanced by its residents?

History and Heritage – how is the village's history remembered?

Village events – what regular events bring residents together?

Activities to do in the village?

Visitor experience – how well does the village cater for visitors?

Potential interest in participating in this televised competition would doubtless have to be agreed at a community level (e.g., the parish council, the village society, U3A, the museum trust, etc ?) so that specific efforts can be organised to ensure that, at the very least, a village litter pick and other beautifying activities can be conducted ahead of the judging process, and that suitably qualified 'village ambassadors' can be available to meet the programme makers.

In addition, as the prize is quite substantial, the TV production company will need to have a nominated village organisation to take receipt of the money, and will obviously want to verify that this organisation is a suitable one for the receipt of community funds.

The producers may well return to the winning village in the months following the competition to see how that money has helped the village.

If you would like to find out more and apply on behalf of a significant community organisation in Haddenham, visit the website www.villageoftheyear.co.uk and follow the online application process or email the production company at: voty@reeftv.com

The closing date for applications is midnight on 14th May 2017

There is a press article in The Telegraph about Village of the Year 2017 here.

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