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Village Death Knell?

by Haddenham Webteam – 2nd August 2015
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Well, AVDC has spoken ...

Our local referendum is done and dusted, resulting in a very clear acceptance of Haddenham's Neighbourhood Plan by a majority of its residents, and now AVDC announces that it is going to ignore the Plan when it comes to housing numbers.

Where does this leave any notion of "localism" now?

Having been a keen supporter and proponent of the YES vote for the Neighbourhood Plan, your website editor cannot hide his bitter disappointment at this news.

Those in the village who campaigned for a NO vote may feel some comfort in AVDC's announcement. However, the sad truth is that planned developments for Dollicott and other areas north of the village may now end up significantly larger that the Neighbourhood Plan sought to define and limit.

A death knell for the village?

This may sound like an over-reaction, but in terms of the scale of development we are now likely to see, Haddenham might well begin to look more like a small town than a large village over the next few years. Watch this (diminishing) space!

Read more here

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